How You Can Implement Daily Marketing Effort That  Yields Massive Results

Today’s marketing tip comes from my Monday Motivation post on Facebook. It is a quote by Kenneth Goldsmith…

“If you work on something a little bit every day, you end up with something that is massive.”

Have you ever rolled a snowball down a hillside? How many times did you have to push it to get it going? Unlike the cartoons where the snowball starts rolling and picking up speed from the beginning, in real life you are pushing against friction and inertia. That means you have to give it another push, and another and another. In fact you need to keep on pushing it. As you do, it continues to grow and grow. Once that snowball reaches critical mass, gravity takes over and overcomes the friction and inertia. The snowball continues to roll down the hill without your help, and it keeps on growing and moing faster. At the bottom of the hill you have a massive snowball that is unstoppable.

How does that relate to your marketing?

Your marketing is that snowball at the top of the hill. It needs the intial push. It needs you to keep pushing until it reaches critical mass. The problem is, most people give up after two or three pushes and go on to try something else and start over with another snowball at the top of the hill. What a waste of time, energy and resources to keep starting over.

Real Life Example Of Daily Marketing Effort That Yields Massive Results

When I had my carpet cleaning business after a particular slow winter I started a campaign in mid April that should me how consistent efforts over time snowballs and creates momentum in your business.

A friend of mine sent me a copy of his flyer that he used claiming that it gave him a ten to one ROI and his investment. So for every hundred dollars he spent on flyers he made one thousand dollars.

I started with a neighborhood close to my home and split it in half and sent out the flyers to a little over 1000 homes. The following week the remaining homes in that chosen neighborhood also received the flyer. That was the second push of the marketing snowball.

On week’s three and four, I sent a second flyer out to the same neighborhood with very little changed on it except to say it was their second notice and a reminder I sent them a flyer like that one two weeks earlier. That was the third and fourth push.

Weeks five and six saw my final notice flyer go out and it was by far the most effective of the three as it typically had twice the response rate of the first two combined. The snowball was getting bigger.

I started anew neighborhood on week seven with the first flyer and ran the same sequence and strategy with this neighborhood by dividing it in two and delivering the three flyers to each half every two weeks. Again my response increased with each flyer in this neighborhood and I was still receiving calls from interest prospect from the first area. We are picking up speed here.

On week thirteen I started a new neighborhood with the same strategy, Divide it in two and send out the three flyers in two week intervals. We were in the middle of summer now and I was booked a week in advance. The snowball was now picking up speed.

In mid August I launch my fourth neighborhood. At that time I Was now getting phone calls and bookings from all four neighborhood, referrals were coming it, and my business was rolling along nicely. It all happened by being consistent. I kept putting in the effort to keep that snowball rolling down the hill until it took on a life of its own.

Lets get your snowball rolling down the hill

I personally am a huge fan of the power of Google ads. When people are ready to buy they go to Google to find it. When people are researching a product or service, they go to Google to find it. The problem is, the Google Ads learning curve is very steep, and it is an easy way to waste a lot of money if you try to learn this on your own. And hiring a pro? Well that to can add up when you pay minimum management and agency fees.

That is why I am so excited by one of our newest products, Google Ads. Quick Launch

You can learn more about it here…

Using a combination of professional management and AI you can now market your business on Google just like the large national brands on a shoestring budget and have the peace of mind that most of your investment is going to ad spend instead of management fees. It starts at $360 a month and that incluses ad spend, ad management and agency fees. This product has our best ad spend to management ratio meaning you have more eyeballs on your offers for your investment.

If needed, a landing page and tracking number are also included with this product and I recommend it. It allows you to gauge the efficacy of your campaign bt reacking the number of calls in on your tracking phone number and visits to your landing page.

Are you ready to push your marketing snowball down the hill? Then call me at (431) 588-7128 and we will have you launched in as little as 4-5 days.