Copy Hotmail’s Word Of Mouth Marketing For Your Business.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I received an email from a friend of mine in 1999 inviting me to try out a new free email service called Hotmail. At that time email addresses cost extra money so needless to say I jumped on it quickly and was able to register most of my name on Hotmail. The very first thing I was asked to do was to send out my own invitations to my friends using the now archaic albeit effective, tell a friend tool.

Hotmail grew rapidly and as a result, was acquired by Microsoft making the founders very wealthy using a structured word of mouth marketing campaign.

What was their secret?

Word of mouth marketing. People love to share with their friends and families all the great things they experience, including their experience with you. If they find a product they think would be perfect for someone else, they will share it. Most importantly, instantaneous trust was created as the referral was sent by someone you knew liked, and trusted.

In order to use the power of word-of-mouth marketing in your business, you need to make it easy for them to refer your business to their friends, family and contacts.

Add social share buttons on your website and blog so your visitors can share your products and services. Add an affiliate program to your website. That way you can reward your customers for referring business to you. Cash bribes are very effective and best of all they are not conditional rewards like service discounts

Add Word Of Mouth Marketing To Your Business And Website

Both applications, social sharing, and an affiliate program can be quickly added to your site with simple plugins and some configuration time. The Monarch plugin by Divi themes can be installed as a part of your lifetime license for the theme we built your website with. There are a number of woo-commerce extensions that can be purchased to set up an effective affiliate marketing campaign.

Need some help with that.

Give me a call at (431) 588-7128 or book a meeting here and I will show you what you need to drive word of mouth traffic to your website and business, just like Hotmail did. Who knows, maybe Microsoft will want to acquire you as well.

Here is that link again